Posts Tagged eCommerce

A Moment for eCommerce

If you are after state of the art, safe, energy efficient instant water boiling technology then you may already know the name, Zip. Making their first appearance during the 1980s, supplying boiling water on demand, Zip’s range of water boiling products were an instant success.

Zip also provides an excellent supply of spare parts for their products. UK Spares are a main distributor of Zip spares throughout the UK. Online ordering of a vast range of Zip spares for our convenience, with full technical diagrams to verify the parts we need!

10 Months ago UK Spares re-launched their eCommerce side of the business and has already smashed the revenue generated over the previous eCommerce system.

With a steady investment in SEO and along with business management monitoring key performance indicators with preliminary intentions to increase ATV through “related products” and conversion ratio through user experience with updates like mega menus and multiple payment gateways on the horizon, phew, UK Spares is one to watch in terms of online sales growth through eCommerce and SEO marketing.

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